Hello everyone I thought I would do a nice little intro for 2017 as I have some new followers and, well you know, it’s nice isn’t it.
My name is Rebecca, I am a fully qualified Nutritional Therapist, I studied with CNM (College of Naturopathic Medicine) in Manchester.
I love my job, I get to meet lovely like minded people who want to improve their health. I get to be my own boss and work the days/hours I want, take holidays when I like – it’s awesome. And the best part is my little cockapoo Fudge gets to come to work with me everyday and be stroked to death by my clients (who pay more attention to her than our consultation).
I have lived with chronic Lyme Disease since 2003 – I was housebound and sometimes in a wheelchair. My parents had to cook and feed me and my mum had to bath me. I missed two full years of secondary school and was told I was too severe to improve and recovery may never happen. (Just what you want to hear as a teenager).
Nutrition is powerful guys, seriously. I found the root cause of my problems and worked very very hard to put them right, with a huge amount of determination and commitment to healing.
I whole-heartedly believe recovery is possible.
I went on to study nutrition and graduated in June 2015 and Hello Healing was born in August 2015 (I don’t mess around). I now also work for CNM enrolling new students and I love it, I also work in their students clinic supervising the students with their cases.
In my free time my favourite thing to do is walk Fudge my Cockapoo, I binge watch Netflix or the Kardashians. I love to cook and bake for my friends and family. I am a Christian so I give a lot of my time to kids work or bible studies, it is the foundation for how I live my life and I may not have all the answers but growing up with a chronic illness at age 21 I decided Jesus was the one I wanted to follow for the rest of my life.
I would say I am a very positive person (I used to suffer with a very deep depression and suicidal thoughts) but again it took a lot of work on mindset. I am a very happy person, and I believe the most important thing we can have is our health. Without that we have nothing, and if we take health for granted and abuse our bodies with stress, bad food choices and poor exercise we may run into problems.
I aim to live a simple life, to enjoy work and family and friends, good food and country walks.
In November 2016 my gorgeous boyfriend got down on one knee so I am currently also planning a wedding for September this year when we will begin our lives together (cut to a full Pinterest board).
I have a slight obsession for coconut oil and avocado.
I may run a business but I am not a business woman, you will never see me on the Apprentice but I get to help people, do what I enjoy and earn money, what more can I ask for.
Follow me on social media for more updates and healthy ideas: hellohealing