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January Favourites


 Hello lovelies, I have decided to start to do a monthly favourites blog because I am always finding new recipes and new products and beauty products which I love to share with people and I thought well this seems like the perfect obvious platform!

January is such a dark gloomy month, I really struggle with January I am made to live in warmth not dark nights and cold days. However, my favourites have made it better and have pulled me through. (Also if you have a SAD lamp please let me know if they work on not I am wondering if to get one).

Book: Life After Life by Kate Atkinson

I love to read and this book is so amazing I couldn’t put it down. I joined *cough* co-founded *cough* a book club with some friends last year and I LOVE it. We meet on the first weekend of the month for breakfast and chat about life and the book we read and share recommendations. It has really opened my mind to different authors and genres so yes def join a book club or def join your local library. There is something I love about an actual book rather than a kindle, to hold and book, tea and a book – perfection.

This one is about a woman who keeps reliving her life from birth, thats all I will say I don’t want to ruin it. A perfect book if you like to not know how it will end.

Beauty: Origins

So Origins was recommended to me ages ago by a family member but it took me ages to trust a new brand (I stick to what I know don’t know about you). But I was hearing more and more people LOVING their products and this range especially so I got it for a Christmas present and I love every single product. My self conscious area is definitely my skin, I struggled with acne a lot in the past and this is so brilliant for my skin. This set has a moisturiser, a serum, a light exfoliated and a face mask (wearing whilst typing). Definitely my new favourite skin brand, my whole wish list is full – hello charcoal mask.

Podcast: Modern Love

I found Modern Love a while ago but January I have just binge listened to them all (consciously trying to watch less TV) and I love it. They are all short stories written by people on lots of different topics around love def go and check it out. I love to have it on in the background as I get ready in a morning.

Food: Deliciously Ella Balls

I have been eating these since literally the first week they hit Waitrose but I am getting more and more obsessed. I love Ellas whole ethos, it is def something we share. The fact there are great healthy products on the market and in our supermarket is something which makes me jump around. I was shopping in Topshop recently and so starving and thought ohhh no what to eat… went to Starbucks and yay there was a DE ball (well done Starbucks) *happy dance happy dance*. They come in 3 different flavours, I’m obsessed with the almond and cacao one right now.

Naturally gluten, dairy and refined sugar free. Perfect for the handbag for a snack attack.

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