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Rebeccas Recommendations

People ask so often about my recommendations I thought it would be a great idea to compile them all into one places. Please find below my recommendations for:

Natural skincare

Low toxic cleaning/laundry

Herbal teas



Natural Baby Care

Holistic Dentists



Natural Beauty

Create an account at Natural Dispensary with Rebecca Ellison as your practitioner and add HHRE10 at checkout. 

Create an account with the Kind Store for 5% off 

Faith In Nature Shampoo

Faith in Nature Conditioner

Faith In Nature Soap

Aloe Dent Toothpaste

Male Deoderant


Magnesium/Epsom bath salts

Bamboo toothbrush

Reusable razor

Coconut oil (can be used as a make up remover, hair mask, oil pulling)

Tongue Scraper

Dental Floss

Must Watch Documentaries

The Earthing Movie - Amazon Prime

This looks at what is grounding/earthing, who founded the idea and why. What are the benefits? Backed up of course with scientific papers. Who knew being connected to the earth can be so healing!!

 Trust WHO - Amazon Prime 

A dive into the World Health Organisation, who funds them, how they decide on policies and their plans on dealing with a coming Pandemic.

The Social Dilemma - Netflix

A documentary about social media and our use of it, featuring interviews by the people who invented it and where they see society going if we don't learn how to use it responsibly.

The Minimalists Documentary x2 - Netflix

What is minimalism? How can we live a more purposeful, sustainable and healthy life if we adopt some of these principles?

Plague of Corruption by Dr. Judy Mikovits

Behind the scenes look at the issues and egos which will determine the future health of humanity.

Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport

Choosing a focused life in a noisy world. Practical solutions to social media, phone usage and how we view our smart phones.

Bite Me by Ally Hilfiger

Tommy Hilfigers daughter writing about her struggles with Lyme.

Bitten by Kris Newby

The secret history of Lyme being used as  biological weapons. A must read.

You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay

Feel the Fear and do it Anyway by Susan Jeffers

How to turn your fear and indecision into confidence and action.

Why I Can't Get Better by Dr Richard Horowitz

How Can I Get Better by Dr Richard Horowitz

Toxic by Neil Nathan

Earthing by Clint Ober

Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler

(Natural contraception)

The China Study by Colin Campbell

The most comprehensive study on nutrition, weight loss and long term health

The Dental Diet by Steven Lin

The importance of dental health in chronic illness 

The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doige

The Goddess Revolution by Melissa Wells

Love your body and reclaim your life

Ready Steady Glow by Madeleine Shaw

Whole food recipes - stews, curries, cakes etc.

Self Care for the Real World by Nadia Narain and Katia Narain Phillips

The Postnatal Depletion Cure by Dr Oscar Serrallach

A Complete Guide to Rebuilding Your Health and Reclaiming Your Energy for Mothers of Newborns, Toddlers and Young Children

Get The Glow by Madeleine Shaw

Whole food recipes - stews, curries, cakes etc.

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